The founder of TripAdvisor, Ben Walsh, has a background in marketing, technology, and strategy. Previously, he led business development for vacation rentals at Expedia, where he was responsible for inventory growth and brand acquisitions. Before that, he worked as a strategy consultant for Deloitte. While TripAdvisor’s reputation relies on genuineContinue Reading

While the traditional notion of luxury travel may remain, the modern consumer’s expectations have transformed the category. This transformation presents opportunities for forward-thinking travel brands to continue to stay competitive in the luxury market while embracing the transformation. Below are six trends that are redefining luxury travel. Read on toContinue Reading

To develop an effective Tourism Plan, it is essential to assess the specific context of your destination. The goals and priorities of your destination should be based on the needs of local residents, visitors, and potential customers, and the plan should consider these factors. To create a Tourism Plan, youContinue Reading

When you’re going to travel abroad, preparation is essential. The amount of time you spend on preparation can make or break your trip. It will allow you to make the most of your time. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some helpful tips. Start by defining yourContinue Reading

There are countless things you need to do before you leave on your trip. Checking the battery charge of your mobile phone is one way to save money and make sure it’s ready to go. You should also charge your cell phone’s charger and check for any items you mayContinue Reading

Despite the importance of preserving memory in our lives, the practice of travelling seems to be neglected. Yet, the process of travel is an essential part of the memory. Erll and Rigney argue that mediated travels are necessary for memory to survive. The benefits of travel cannot be understated. TheContinue Reading

Ethical travel is a way to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment and local communities. Ethical travelers choose their destinations carefully, and they respect the local culture and history. They also seek to learn about the places they visit. In addition, ethical travelers can enjoy the sightsContinue Reading